Manage Google G Suite with PowerShell

Tutorial on how to Manage Google G Suite with PowerShell

Readiness on Google G Suite & Developer Console

Creating the Project & Service Account

Login to Google Developers Console with G Suite Admin to create a new project

Manage Google G Suite with PowerShell

Enter Project Name called PSGSuite and click CREATE

Manage Google G Suite with PowerShell

Verify Project called PSGSuite is selected, and go to APIs & Services – Credentials – Create Credentials

Manage Google G Suite with PowerShell

Select Service Account

Manage Google G Suite with PowerShell

Enter Service Account Name called PSGSuite and click CREATE

Manage Google G Suite with PowerShell

Select Owner to have full access to all resources and click CREATE

Manage Google G Suite with PowerShell

Click Done

Manage Google G Suite with PowerShell

Creating P12 File

Create Key for the newly created service account

Manage Google G Suite with PowerShell

Select P12 format

Manage Google G Suite with PowerShell

The p12 file will be downloaded to your computer automatically and keep the Private Key password securely

Manage Google G Suite with PowerShell

Enable Domain Wide Delegation

Click on the newly created service account and click Edit

Manage Google G Suite with PowerShell

Enable G Suite Domain Wide Delegation and enter product name called PSGSuite

Manage Google G Suite with PowerShell

Enable API Access

Go To APIs & Services and click on ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES

Manage Google G Suite with PowerShell

Enter Admin SDK in the search bar

Manage Google G Suite with PowerShell

Click ENABLE to allow API Access

Manage Google G Suite with PowerShell

Repeat the same steps to enable API Access for the following

  • Admin SDK
  • Apps Activity API
  • Contacts API
  • Drive Activity API
  • Enterprise License Manager API
  • Gmail API
  • Google Calendar API
  • Google Classroom API
  • Google Docs API
  • Google Drive API
  • Google Sheets API
  • Google Slides API
  • Groups Settings API
  • Hangouts Chat API
  • People API
  • Tasks API

OAuth Client ID & App Email

Save the Client ID & App Email in Notepad as it is required in the configuration later

Manage Google G Suite with PowerShell

API Client Access in G Suite Admin Console

Login to Google Admin Console with Admin Credential and click on Security – Advanced Settings – Manage Domain-wide delegation

Manage Google G Suite with PowerShell

Enter the Client ID & OAuth Scopes below and click AUTHORISE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Manage Google G Suite with PowerShell

Manage Google G Suite with PowerShell

Install PSGSuite & Configuration Modules

Install-Module Configuration
Install-Module -Name PSGSuite -RequiredVersion 2.24.0

#Import PSGSuite Module
Import-Module PSGSuite

PSGSuite Configuration File

Prepare the PSGSuite Configuration File with all the information gathered from Google G Suite and Developer Console

$ConfigName = "GSuite"
$P12KeyPath = "C:\GSuite\psgsuite-284106-f422e66d3841.p12"
$AppEmail = "[email protected]"
$AdminEmail = "[email protected]"
$CustomerID = "03xxxxxx"
$Domain = ""
$ServiceAccountClientID = "10745224254xxxxxxxxx"

Set-PSGSuiteConfig -ConfigName $ConfigName `
-P12KeyPath $P12KeyPath -AppEmail $AppEmail `
-AdminEmail $AdminEmail -CustomerID $CustomerID `
-Domain $Domain  -ServiceAccountClientID $ServiceAccountClientID

Obtain your Customer ID via

List all users provisioned in G Suite with Get-GSUserList

Get-GSUserList | Select User

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] 
[email protected] 
[email protected] 

Export Existing Users & Groups

List all existing users in G Suite and export to CSV file

$Users = Get-GSUserList 

foreach ($User in $Users) { 

    $user | Select User,

    @{N="FamilyName" ; E={($_.Name.familyname)}},

    @{N="GivenName" ; E={($_.Name.GivenName)}}, PrimaryEmail | Export-Csv C:\Temp\UserList.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append



User                  FamilyName GivenName PrimaryEmail         
----                  ---------- --------- ------------         
[email protected] Kam Wah    Yong      [email protected]
[email protected]  TEST       UAT1      [email protected] 
[email protected]  TEST       UAT2      [email protected] 
[email protected]  TEST       UAT3      [email protected] 

Export all existing group and memberships and export to CSV file

$Groups = Get-GSGroup

foreach ($Group in $Groups) {

    Get-GSGroupMember -Identity $Group.Name | Select Group, Email, Role | Export-Csv C:\Temp\GroupList.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append


Group                     Email                Role  
-----                     -----                ----  
[email protected]     [email protected] OWNER 
[email protected]     [email protected] MEMBER
[email protected] [email protected] OWNER 
[email protected] [email protected] MEMBER


Commands Available in PSGSuite Module

Get-Command -Module PSGSuite

CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source                                                                                     
-----------     ----                                               -------    ------                                                                                     
Alias           Add-GSDriveFilePermissions                         2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Export-PSGSuiteConfiguration                       2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Get-GSCalendarEventList                            2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Get-GSCalendarResourceList                         2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Get-GSDataTransferApplicationList                  2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Get-GSDriveFileInfo                                2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Get-GSDriveFilePermissionsList                     2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Get-GSGmailDelegates                               2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Get-GSGmailFilterList                              2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Get-GSGmailLabelList                               2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Get-GSGmailMessageInfo                             2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Get-GSGmailSendAsSettings                          2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Get-GSGmailSignature                               2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Get-GSGroupList                                    2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Get-GSGroupMemberList                              2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Get-GSMobileDeviceList                             2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Get-GSOrganizationalUnitList                       2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Get-GSOrgUnit                                      2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Get-GSOrgUnitList                                  2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Get-GSOU                                           2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Get-GSResourceList                                 2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Get-GSShortURLInfo                                 2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Get-GSTeamDrivesList                               2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Get-GSUserASPList                                  2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Get-GSUserLicenseInfo                              2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Get-GSUserLicenseList                              2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Get-GSUserList                                     2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Get-GSUserSchemaInfo                               2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Get-GSUserSchemaList                               2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Get-GSUserTokenList                                2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Import-PSGSuiteConfiguration                       2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Move-GSGmailMessageToTrash                         2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           New-GSCalendarResource                             2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Remove-GSGmailMessageFromTrash                     2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Set-PSGSuiteDefaultDomain                          2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Switch-PSGSuiteDomain                              2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Update-GSCalendarResource                          2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Update-GSGmailSendAsSettings                       2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Alias           Update-GSSheetValue                                2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Add-GSCalendarSubscription                         2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Add-GSChatButton                                   2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Add-GSChatCard                                     2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Add-GSChatCardAction                               2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Add-GSChatCardSection                              2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Add-GSChatImage                                    2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Add-GSChatKeyValue                                 2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Add-GSChatOnClick                                  2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Add-GSChatTextParagraph                            2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Add-GSCourseParticipant                            2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Add-GSDocContent                                   2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Add-GSDrivePermission                              2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Add-GSEventAttendee                                2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Add-GSGmailDelegate                                2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Add-GSGmailFilter                                  2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Add-GSGmailForwardingAddress                       2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Add-GSGmailSmtpMsa                                 2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Add-GSGroupMember                                  2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Add-GSPrincipalGroupMembership                     2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Add-GSUserAddress                                  2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Add-GSUserEmail                                    2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Add-GSUserExternalId                               2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Add-GSUserOrganization                             2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Add-GSUserPhone                                    2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Add-GSUserRelation                                 2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Add-GSUserSchemaField                              2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Block-CoreCLREncryptionWarning                     2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Clear-GSSheet                                      2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Clear-GSTasklist                                   2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Compare-ModuleVersion                              2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Confirm-GSCourseInvitation                         2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Copy-GSDriveFile                                   2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Copy-GSSheet                                       2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Export-GSDriveFile                                 2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Export-GSSheet                                     2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Export-PSGSuiteConfig                              2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSActivityReport                               2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSAdminRole                                    2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSAdminRoleAssignment                          2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSCalendarACL                                  2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSCalendarEvent                                2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSCalendarSubscription                         2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSChatConfig                                   2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSChatMember                                   2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSChatMessage                                  2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSChatSpace                                    2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSChromeOSDevice                               2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSClassroomUserProfile                         2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSContactList                                  2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSCourse                                       2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSCourseAlias                                  2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSCourseInvitation                             2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSCourseParticipant                            2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSDataTransferApplication                      2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSDocContent                                   2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSDriveFile                                    2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSDriveFileList                                2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSDriveFileUploadStatus                        2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSDrivePermission                              2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSDriveProfile                                 2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSGmailAutoForwardingSettings                  2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSGmailDelegate                                2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSGmailFilter                                  2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSGmailForwardingAddress                       2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSGmailImapSettings                            2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSGmailLabel                                   2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSGmailMessage                                 2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSGmailMessageList                             2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSGmailPopSettings                             2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSGmailProfile                                 2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSGmailSendAsAlias                             2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSGmailSMIMEInfo                               2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSGmailVacationSettings                        2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSGroup                                        2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSGroupAlias                                   2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSGroupMember                                  2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSGroupSettings                                2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSMobileDevice                                 2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSOrganizationalUnit                           2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSResource                                     2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSSheetInfo                                    2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSShortUrl                                     2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSStudentGuardian                              2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSStudentGuardianInvitation                    2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSTask                                         2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSTasklist                                     2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSTeamDrive                                    2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSToken                                        2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSUsageReport                                  2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSUser                                         2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSUserAlias                                    2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSUserASP                                      2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSUserLicense                                  2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSUserPhoto                                    2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSUserSchema                                   2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSUserToken                                    2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-GSUserVerificationCodes                        2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Get-PSGSuiteConfig                                 2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Import-GSSheet                                     2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Import-PSGSuiteConfig                              2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Move-GSTask                                        2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        New-GoogleService                                  2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        New-GSAdminRole                                    2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        New-GSAdminRoleAssignment                          2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        New-GSCalendarACL                                  2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        New-GSCalendarEvent                                2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        New-GSCourse                                       2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        New-GSCourseAlias                                  2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        New-GSCourseInvitation                             2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        New-GSDriveFile                                    2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        New-GSGmailLabel                                   2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        New-GSGmailSendAsAlias                             2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        New-GSGmailSMIMEInfo                               2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        New-GSGroup                                        2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        New-GSGroupAlias                                   2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        New-GSOrganizationalUnit                           2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        New-GSResource                                     2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        New-GSSheet                                        2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        New-GSShortUrl                                     2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        New-GSStudentGuardianInvitation                    2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        New-GSTask                                         2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        New-GSTasklist                                     2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        New-GSTeamDrive                                    2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        New-GSUser                                         2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        New-GSUserAlias                                    2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        New-GSUserSchema                                   2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        New-GSUserVerificationCodes                        2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSAdminRole                                 2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSAdminRoleAssignment                       2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSCalendarEvent                             2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSCalendarSubscription                      2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSChatMessage                               2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSContact                                   2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSCourse                                    2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSCourseAlias                               2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSCourseInvitation                          2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSCourseParticipant                         2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSDriveFile                                 2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSDrivePermission                           2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSGmailDelegate                             2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSGmailFilter                               2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSGmailLabel                                2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSGmailMessage                              2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSGmailSendAsAlias                          2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSGmailSMIMEInfo                            2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSGroup                                     2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSGroupAlias                                2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSGroupMember                               2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSMobileDevice                              2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSOrganizationalUnit                        2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSPrincipalGroupMembership                  2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSResource                                  2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSStudentGuardian                           2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSTask                                      2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSTasklist                                  2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSTeamDrive                                 2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSUser                                      2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSUserAlias                                 2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSUserASP                                   2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSUserLicense                               2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSUserPhoto                                 2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSUserSchema                                2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Remove-GSUserToken                                 2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Restore-GSGmailMessage                             2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Restore-GSUser                                     2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Revoke-GSStudentGuardianInvitation                 2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Revoke-GSUserVerificationCodes                     2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Send-GmailMessage                                  2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Send-GSChatMessage                                 2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Send-GSGmailSendAsConfirmation                     2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Set-GSDocContent                                   2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Set-GSGroupSettings                                2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Set-GSUserLicense                                  2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Set-GSUserSchema                                   2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Set-PSGSuiteConfig                                 2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Show-PSGSuiteConfig                                2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Start-GSDataTransfer                               2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Start-GSDriveFileUpload                            2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Stop-GSDriveFileUpload                             2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Switch-PSGSuiteConfig                              2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Sync-GSUserCache                                   2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Unblock-CoreCLREncryptionWarning                   2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Update-GSAdminRole                                 2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Update-GSCalendarEvent                             2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Update-GSChatMessage                               2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Update-GSChromeOSDevice                            2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Update-GSCourse                                    2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Update-GSDriveFile                                 2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Update-GSGmailAutoForwardingSettings               2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Update-GSGmailImapSettings                         2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Update-GSGmailLabel                                2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Update-GSGmailMessageLabels                        2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Update-GSGmailPopSettings                          2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Update-GSGmailSendAsAlias                          2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Update-GSGmailSignature                            2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Update-GSGmailVacationSettings                     2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Update-GSGroupMember                               2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Update-GSGroupSettings                             2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Update-GSMobileDevice                              2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Update-GSOrganizationalUnit                        2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Update-GSResource                                  2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Update-GSTask                                      2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Update-GSTasklist                                  2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Update-GSTeamDrive                                 2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Update-GSUser                                      2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Update-GSUserLicense                               2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Update-GSUserPhoto                                 2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Update-GSUserSchema                                2.24.0     PSGSuite                                                                                   
Function        Watch-GSDriveUpload                                2.24.0     PSGSuite   

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